
Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Alawreck, the owner and operator of this web site is (“We/Us”) is committed to your privacy. This Privacy Policy details how we use your personal identifying information. This Privacy Policy may be modified at any time without notice to you. Please review this document each time you visit us or use any of our tools or services. It is our policy, except as noted below, not to sale, trade, lease, give away or otherwise release your personal information, which includes your name, physical address (business or home), home or business telephone number and your e-mail address to any entity that we do not do business with.

2. General Information

We are not responsible for the privacy of any information that you post, publish or distribute on our site or via our site. Remember that our site allows you to post certain information on our blog that is available for the public to see. We cannot promise that content will be anonymous in nature for various reasons that may be outside of control such as governmental action, subpoenas and other actions we can be responsible for. Should you retain our professional services, we may provide your contact information to our business associates. 

3. Exceptions to our Privacy Policy

Possible exceptions to our policy include the following circumstances, and as indicated herein: If a governmental agency, or an attorney, subpoenas your private information, or makes a formal request for discovery pursuant to any legal action, or pending legal action, should we possess that information, then we would share whatever personally identifying information we possess with the seeking party. Generally speaking, it is unlikely that we would possess that information except as explained herein. If our attorney requests personally identifying information relevant to a current or pending legal matter in which you are a potential or actual party or otherwise contributed in some way to the causation of the legal matter, then we will share whatever personally identifying information that we may have with our attorney.

4. Cookies

Please note that we may employ the use of cookies. Such usage of cookies could be when users create user accounts (should we offer that service at any time) but we may further employ cookies to assist the functionality of other tools, services and functions in the future.
Cookies are small programs that enhance your use of the Internet, in general, and specifically we use cookies to enhance your usage of our functions. Please consult the HELP menu of your browser to learn how to turn your cookies off. Cookies do not reveal personal information and if you turn off your cookies you may find your enjoyment of the Internet, and our site, to be reduced or impaired. In order to seek out and repair functionality issues with our servers and related programming, we may use your email and IP addresses for evaluation and diagnostic purposes. Cookies may provide Recording Session information, show us visitor preferences regarding return visits to our website, help us to manage subscription or private areas on our website, record user specific tracking or aggregate tracking information of visitors and deliver user customized content based on user specific information, such as browser type, screen type and resolution and so forth. None of the information gathered is shared with third parties other than our business associates. Other possible uses for the information that we collect include internal tracking, review, or is used for contacting purposes and then is archived by us for future usage. We also use the information we collect to provide custom content for our user base.

5. Information Security

We work hard to protect Alawreck and our customers from unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of information we hold. 

6. Further Information

It is our policy not to send unsolicited emails or allow third parties to contact you via the email address that you provide to us.
You can access our website home page without disclosing your personal data. Some aspects of our site are available to registered potential clients only and as our terms require, you must provide us with the required registration information, which has to be complete, accurate and up to date. We will gather site visitor’s and potential client’s IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and aggregate the same so that we can provide demographic information for potential partners, investors or advertisers or for other purposes designed to promote or benefit our web site or business in general. Such information is not personally identifiable in nature. We do not knowingly collect personal data or information from minors. Please note that no policy, rule or technical measure can offer 100% protection against unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification, unlawful destruction or accidental loss. All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitor’s and user’s personal data. Our database may contain confidential information regarding you or your personal communications to third parties. While we endeavor to maintain reasonable, industry standard security regarding such information/content, no security system can be 100% fool proof. In the event that the security to such information/content is breached for reasons, you agree to HOLD US HARMLESS and to INDEMNIFY us against any loss, damages, injuries, costs, fees and claims of any and all nature regarding such security breaches. Our Terms of Service are hereby incorporated by reference into this Privacy Policy as if fully set forth herein. Please read the same.

7. Further Data Collection

We may collect aggregate (general tracking) information about pages that users visit on our site. We also may collect user specific information about pages that users visit on our site. Any information that you give us when you complete a contact form or inquiry form, survey and so forth is temporarily collected by us as explained herein. Please contact us if you should have any questions, comments or concerns about this privacy policy.

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